Friday, June 10, 2005

Think of it this way...

Since I seem to have an incredible urge to communicate in one way or another, and much to my chagrin, people don't always wish to hear me communicate (just ask Dave wink, wink), I was inspired by a friend to reach out and get into the 'blogsphere' to post my ramblings. So, now, instead of talking to a wall (no offense honey! you're a very soft wall :-) I can talk to a screen and if you listen, it's your choice.

I don't know how often the posts will be. I'll probably test the waters on some of my writing samples in addition to keeping our family and friends up to speed on the daily triumphs in the Casa de Lacy. Goodness knows that life is interesting, if nothing else.

Think of it this way...
You'll be prolonging our marriage simply by reading and Dave will thank you! and the pathetic site of me sitting in a corner of our house with the dogs, telling them about my day might cease to be so frequent and the dogs will thank you :-) Currently, Hayden talks more than me but we haven't tought him to type yet.....

That's it for now but stay tuned for more incredibly exciting or dolefully drab postings from my side of the fence. You be the judge :-)

Ciao for now,

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